
Sunday, April 7, 2013

Weekly Workout Summary

Couldn't ask for a better end to my week. I ran the Rock 'n' Roll San Francisco Half Marathon today and it was nothing short of Amazingggg! 

Another week come and gone and my ass didn't get out of bed for spin class. Surely one day it will happen! I checked the weather when I woke up and it said 30% chance of rain, I walked out the door and it was 100% raining. I decided to go with it and it turned out to be an excellent and very wet run. 

Ran Outside: 2.09 miles
Walk: 4.0 miles

Weekday runs have been a little low on mileage, but decided I would start increasing my daily effort. 

Ran Outside: 4.07 miles
Walk: 4.0 miles

Had planned on doing a longer tempo run this morning, but really had no desire to move from my warm I just did a short maintenance run. 

Ran Outside: 2.21 miles
Walk: 4.0 miles

The rain came back, so decided to head over to the gym to meet up with my friend Mr. Treadmill. Did somewhat of a tempo run.

Ran Outside: 4.0 miles
Walk: 1.0 miles

This marked the 4th Friday of doing a speed workout. I've been looking forward to Friday's (not that you need a reason to look forward to Friday) because I know this workout is coming. I think the speed workouts are starting to make a difference. 

Ran on Treadmill: 5.5 miles (warm up 1.0m @10:00; 4 sets Fartlek 5:00 @ 9:05/mi, 3:00 jog; cool down 1.0m @ 10:00)
Walk: 4.0 miles

Slept in and then spent some quality time with my sister - thus putting off my run until the end of the day. Thought I'd keep it simple - ran to the start/finish line of the race and then home. 

Ran Outside: 2.09 miles
Walk: 2.0 miles

Rock 'n' Roll inaugural San Francisco Half Marathon. Spoiler alert...I PR'd! If you asked me Friday morning if I thought/planed on PR'ing, I would have said no way in hell. But then I talked to this amazing lady, Sherry, at the expo and the U.S. 50K record holder Josh Cox and I was inspired. Long story short, I shaved 18 minutes off my previous course record (from November's US Half Marathon) and beat my Kaiser Half Marathon time by 50 seconds! Oh and not to mention, I was only 19 seconds off of a sub-2 hour! So close! Ahhhhhh, on Cloud 9 today. 

Ran Outside: 13.1 miles (2:00:18)
Walk 1.0 mile

Other Noteworthy Things: 
Completed week 2 of my vegetarian journey. I feel like I could still make better choices, I didn't bring my lunch much last week, so settled for some crappy food options. 

The countdown is on...2 weeks from today I'll be hanging out in Hawaii! So excited! 

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