
Monday, April 1, 2013

Weekly Workout Summary

Another good week on the books. Can't believe March is already over! It's okay though, April is my favorite month.

Still couldn't drag myself out of bed to get to spin class. I will make it one of these days!! Since I ran a half on Sunday, I decided to use today as rest day and put in the bare minimum effort. 

Ran Outside: 1.03 miles
Walk: 2.5 miles

Felt a sinus cold coming on (again), blah! Kept this run pretty light, but did some arm exercises with my 8lb weights after the run. 

Ran Outside: 2.12 miles
Walk: 3.0 miles

Trying out this new program on and today's workout was a threshold run. I went to the gym for this run so I could control my speed on the treadmill. 

Ran on Treadmill: 3.65 miles
Walk: 3.5 miles

Thursday's seem to be pretty boring days. Nothing exciting to report here. I ran. 

Ran Outside: 3.04 miles
Walk: 1.5 miles

Third Friday doing my speed workout on the treadmill. As if there aren't a million reasons to look forward to Friday, this is a bonus. It's a challenging workout that usually wipes me out, but leaves me feeling accomplished. Next week, I'm going to have a little nutrition pre workout - I started running out of steam at mile 4. 

Ran on Treadmill: 5.0 miles
Walk: 3.0 miles

Long run Saturday. I thought about going into the double digits, but I didn't want to overdue it - seeing as I have 2 half marathons in a 3 week time span. I think I'm ready for Rock n' Roll on the 7th. 

Ran Outside: 8.17 miles
Walk: 2.5 miles

Unfortunately this was a pretty uneventful day, despite being a holiday. It was another rainy Easter in San Francisco. I waited until late afternoon to knock out my run and I hurried through, almost setting a 5K record...almost since I only ran 3.0 miles instead of 3.1 (24:30)

Ran Outside: 3.0 miles
Walk 1.0 mile

Other Noteworthy Things: 
I made it a full week as a vegetarian - Sunday actually marked day 9. It's easier than I would've thought. Just have to monitor my protein and iron intake, but that'll get better with practice. It's April - my favorite month of the year. Mostly because it's my birthday month! And we are going to Hawaii for our honeymoon! Lots of good stuff to look forward to. 

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