
Sunday, February 10, 2013

Weekly Workout Summary

Is this really my first post for February? I can't believe it's already the 10th, I'm so far behind! Last week was crazy between work, school, the half marathon last weekend and other things.

Nice and easy run after Sunday's half Marathon. I owe you all a recap of the marathon - I will try and get that up in the next few days.

Boot Camp: 60 min
Ran on Treadmill: 1.01 miles
Walk: 5.5 miles

Another easy day.

Ran Outside: 1.65 miles
Walk: 2.0 miles

Woke up feeling really run down and like I might be getting a cold. This being said, decided to ditch boot camp and sleep the extra hour and 20 minutes. Ended up going for an evening run in the rain, which I have to say was pretty awesome.

Ran Outside: 1.97 miles
Walk: 2.0 miles

Had a fantastic morning run, only to be followed by a crappy work stuff. Luckily it was my half day at work, so my afternoon was pretty great. I had a hair appointment - which turned out far better than expected followed by a date night with the hubs.

Ran Outside: 4.01 miles
Walk: 4.0 miles

Uh, Tough Mudder is 14 days away! CRAP! After lounging around for the morning, the sister and I hit the gym. We did a light warmup on the treadmill and then got to lifting and other upper body strengthening exercises. I ended up getting in 7 unassisted chin ups (non-consecutive though).

Ran on TM: 1.25 miles

Another day closer to Tough Mudder. Sister and I went for another workout. We ran 1.5 down to the pier, then used the amphitheater to do some stair jumps, push ups and mountain climbers. Then we hit the sand and did partner carries (aka piggy back rides) through the sand on the beach. This went well until we toppled over into the sand in front of a sea of spectators. Clearly they were jealous of our skills!

Ran Outside: 3 miles
Walk: 1.0 mile

Overall this was a light workout week. After running 110 miles last month and kicking ass at the half marathon last week, I needed a little break. I plan to pick things up this week - especially plan to get a lot more lifting in - gotta get the arms beefed up for the Tough Mudder. Can't believe it's so close! Also need to pick up the mileage to meet my 100 miles in 28 days for the Taji 100 challenge.

My goal is to get the Kaiser Permanente Half Marathon recap up by Tuesday - be on the lookout.

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