
Sunday, May 5, 2013

April Recap + May Goals

April was fantastic - new PR, birthday, Hawaii honeymoon! However, all that fun left very little time for blog managing. Hoping I can start fresh in May and keep the posts coming.

April Goals in Review

+ Run 100 miles - Wrapped the month up at 90. While I ran on vacation, I only put in the minimal effort. 
+ Add more cross training workouts (I haven't been to boot camp in 5 weeks - my longest hiatus since I started going in the Fall of 2011, yikes!) - definitely didn't happen. I was planning to go to spin class Monday mornings, but it's been so long, that Monday morning classes have actually been dropped. oops. 
+ Continue vegetarian exploration - this has been going great. Had to "cheat" a little in Hawaii since we were eating every meal out, but since being home, I'm back on track. 
+ Pump out race recaps for Tough Mudder, Emerald Across the Bay 12K, Canyon Meadow Half Marathon and the upcoming Rock n' Roll SF Half - Uhhhh, didn't happen. Another busy month
+ Commit to at least 2 blog posts per week - Way behind on posts. Going to try and play catch up in May.

Rock 'n' Roll SF Half Marathon
This race was incredible. Not only did I set a new course PR, but an overall PR. I think I was living on cloud9 for most of April.

Run Streak
Run Streak is going strong, I'm now at over 150 days. Not sure when or if this will end, but for now it feels good, so I'm going to keep it going.

May Goals

Keeping goals simple for this month, so that I can check them off at the end of the month. This month is going to be busy again. Luckily my classes end in 3 weeks, so that will clear up 2 nights a week plus extra hours spent doing homework.

+ Run 100 miles
+ Cross Train 1x week
+ Look into marathon training plans
+ Blog more

What do you have planned for May?